Managing a day without a laptop is hard nowadays, isn't it? So, what happens when you accidentally spill water on your computer or your cat makes a crack on the monitor screen?
Having some initial knowledge regarding the situation helps a lot, or you can research the internet. But if the broken device is your only option to reach the internet, what would you do? You will need professional laptop screen replacement and other repairs.
Don’t worry at all. There are good quality laptop repair Houston services near you that can provide experts to fix your device, including laptop virus removal, LCD replacement, and more. So, let's find some initial steps to follow when facing accidental situations below.
Laptop Screen Repair Houston
When searching for laptop screen repair providers, you'll find some places on the internet. Some of them provide good services indeed, but if you want to solve a wide range of problems with your laptop, like laptop virus removal, screen replacement, etc., you should go to the right place.
Do you want to know where you can get multiple services and solve any minor or central problem? Check out below.

Best Laptop Repair in Houston
Finding the best consumer services isn't easy. Whether you have a Mac or other laptop that has any problem to fix, you can rely on the We Fix PC Laptop.
It'll provide the perfect repair service, including gaming pc repairs near you, laptop keyboard repairs near you, or laptop screen repairs.
We have experienced technicians who regularly deal with gadgets and computers, so you don't have to worry.
We Fix PC Laptop provides different services such as MacBook repair, computer and laptop repair, spyware removal, replacement of broken or cracked laptop screens, water-damaged laptops, laptop virus removals, or other hardware repairs professionally.
Can You Repair Water Damaged Laptop?
You’re enjoying your morning drink on the desk and suddenly spilled it on your laptop. What a disaster! Wait, don’t panic. It’s a common mistake we all make.
So, the next question is can you repair this water-damaged laptop? Well, there are a few steps, and we can help you.
Taking the right action immediately after spilling the water can minimize the damage. Also, some experts are ready to help you repair any minor or significant water damage.
So, all you’ve to do is follow some initial steps and if it doesn’t work, come to us.
Your device can break down due to a variety of issues, including but not limited to spills, falls, dents, cracks, and software failure. You’re not alone if your device is experiencing issues because of these factors, and we’re here to help you deal with them more effectively. We specialize in laptop battery replacement, laptop screen replacement, laptop virus removal, and more in Houston.
Our tech experts can troubleshoot and repair your laptop in no time, whether you require Dell laptop repairs or services for other makes and brands. Give us a call and bring your device into our store, and we’ll have a look at it.
Based on the issue and our diagnostic process, we’ll recommend the relevant service you need, be it laptop LCD replacement, battery replacement, or more. Get in touch with us today and set up a time to bring your laptop in, and we’ll get back to you right away.

How to Repair Water Damaged Laptop?
Repairing a water-damaged laptop needs a lot of research. You've to know the process and follow the steps carefully. So, what is the way? Find out here.
Step 1: Shut Down the Laptop
You wouldn't like to cause more damage by mixing water and electricity. The first thing to do after spilling water on your laptop is to shut it down since water cannot damage your computer as much as a dodgy circuit.
Besides, shutting down your laptop immediately or sooner will mitigate further damage. Remember not to turn on the computer before its wholly recovered; otherwise, your hardware and files can be at risk.
Step 2: Remove the Detachable Items
After shutting down your laptop, you should remove all the detachable parts from your computer as soon as possible. The components may be battery, keyboard, mouse, printers, etc.
When you spill coffee, water, or other liquids on your laptop, the battery is highly prone to damage. That’s why you’ve to remove it first.
Step 3: Carefully Dry the Water Damaged Area
Now it’s time to dry your laptop but carefully! Don’t try to clean all the liquid at once as it may spill all over and create more damage. Try to pat dry instead.
Take a small cotton cloth and ear bud to cover all the area precisely. Some people tend to dry it with a hot air dryer. Be aware! It can cause damage to the laptop.
Try to have regular air and low-pressure air if you want to use a hairdryer. Also, don't leave your computer in the sun for the same reason.
Remember, you've to dry the thing safely without causing more damage.
Step 4: Place Your Laptop Upside Down
Now, it's time to dry your laptop more in case drying with a cloth doesn't cover every moisture. You have to place your laptop upside down like a tent facing the ground and put a piece of cloth under it.
This cloth will absorb the extra dripping water, if any. Leave your device like this at least for a day to ensure dryness. Because if the device isn't dried correctly, you may face another circuit after restarting the laptop.
We know it's hard to be without a laptop, but you have to have patience for a better cause.
Step 5: Test the Recovery
When you're sure that the laptop is dried, it's time to check the result. After waiting a lot of time, you can finally insert the battery and turn on the computer. For minor to medium damage, these steps will hopefully work.
But if not, don’t get disheartened. You’ve done all you could do. Now it’s time to go to the professionals.
Step 6: Be Ready to Go to the Professionals
A professional can fix the major problems of your laptops, including file recovery and more. When your effort isn't enough, you can rely on experts who frequently deal with many damaged devices.
Laptop repair and computers and gaming pc repair is a professional's regular job. We Fix PC Laptop can solve these kinds of problems in hours. So, if you're in a situation like this, we are here to help you.
Can You Fix a Cracked Monitor Screen?
Fixing the cracked monitor screen is complicated and depends on your gadget. If the monitor belongs to your desk computer, you sadly cannot correct it, and you have to get a new one.
In the case of laptops, there's a complicated option of replacing the monitor screen, and it's not easy to do by yourself if you don't have any experience and ideas.

You can find the screen replacement of your laptop on eBay or Amazon and watch a tutorial on removing and installing the screen before replacing it. It can only be possible if you're confident enough to accomplish the process.
The safest way is to hire an expert to do this job or go to the nearest laptop repair service
Why Choose We Fix PC Laptop?
Are you worried about choosing the first-rate laptop repair in Houston? Your worry is over as you'll find several reasons why you should select We Fix PC Laptop. Let's see them.
Reliable experts with technical skills
Experienced Professionals
Provide friendly service
Provide both Laptop and PC repair service
Gives loyal services
Achieved customer satisfaction
Book an Appointment
Booking an appointment is easy, and you can find every detail on our website. Before securing the meeting, you should know the service hour and choose your desired one.
Usually, if you want our service from Monday to Thursday, you'll get the service from 7 am to 7 pm, while on Friday we're available till 6 pm only.
On Saturday, we are open from 10 am to 5 pm, and on Sunday, the time is from 11 am to 5 pm. So, you can choose a suitable one and call us for an appointment.
You can call on the phone or mobile number, and our support staff is always ready to respond to you. Our phone number is (713) 280-8322, and our mobile number is (281)-250-2661.
You can also ask for anything you want to know at
If you're willing to visit directly, you are welcome to 1301 Waugh Dr. Suite 200, Houston, TX 77019, United States. We take care of our customers cordially.
The Finishing Line

Nowadays, we are greatly dependent on computers and laptops. So, if anything happens to them, our daily activities and jobs become hard. It's a relief to know and find any reliable laptop repair Houston services.
Now you can fix or repair your water-damaged laptop or cracked screen anytime. The friendly and dependable service of the skilled personnel can solve any major and minor problem within minutes to hours.
Just dial the number to book your appointment and visit on the scheduled date. It's effortless. If you have more queries about laptop repair services, don't hesitate to contact us.